Travelling on "babytime" means a very different pace. The biggest thing to consider is Clare requires 3 naps a day - which is actually a wonderful pattern for mummies as well as baby. We get up, eat breakfast, have a nap, go out and do something (usually ending up with Clare napping a little in the carrier), come back have a big nap, and have dinner, then Clare usually goes to bed and Beth and Katherine read - or go to bed early. It's one of the reason's we booked so much time in one place. There are 2 big things we've noticed about London on this trip. The first is the large number of very well-used green spaces and parks. Not just the big ones like Hyde or St. James or Regents, but small ones too. There is a park at either end of the street we're staying on, and every day there are masses of people sitting in it - on the benches, on the grass, in full business suits and dresses as well as more casual clothes. The weather has been absolutely gorge...